Giant Puerto Rico radio telescope collapses, following damage
The Arecibo Observatory, a huge and previously damaged radio telescope in Puerto Rico that played a key role in astronomical discoveries for more than half a century, completely collapsed on Tuesday.
The telescope’s 900-ton receiver platform fell onto the reflector dish more than 400 feet below.
波多黎各气象学家阿达·蒙松(Ada Monzón)在当地电视台向美国境内其他伤心的波多黎各人传递这一毁灭性的消息时哭了起来。
Puerto Rican meteorologist Ada Monzón broke into tears on local TV as she delivered the devastating news to other heartbroken Puerto Ricans across the U.S. territory.
“I have to inform you, with my heart in hand, that the Arecibo Observatory collapsed,” she said in Spanish. “We made every attempt to save it.”
原文来自 NBC News