SETI Search
By Éva Őzse
No, it’s not science fiction, the Voyager spacecraft has been traveling with our gold discs containing Earths messages since 1977. We sent them out to find us, SETI is about us finding them, an intelligent life form beyond our Earth. Sure enough, NASA has something to do with the effort.
Even in ancient times, there were theories that life could exist on any celestial body.Then,with the development of the heliocentric worldview (Copernicus – everything revolves around the Sun, the Moon revolves around the Earth, and the Earth revolves around its own axis) Giordano Bruno (1548, Nola – February 17, 1600, Rome) a monk, philosopher,astronomer gave voice to the theory that the Universe, space and time are infinite.Consequently, an infinite number of galaxies, stars, planets, life and gods can exist on them.The Inquisition declared him a heretic for this and other reasons and burned him at the stake.
即使在古代,也有理论认为任何天体上都可能存在生命。然后,随着日心说世界观的发展(哥白尼-一切都绕着太阳转,月亮绕着地球转,地球绕着自己的轴转)乔达诺·布鲁诺(1548年,诺拉- 1600年2月17日,罗马),一位僧侣,哲学家,天文学家发表了宇宙,空间和时间是无限的理论。因此,无数的星系、恒星、行星、生命和神都可以存在于它们上面。宗教裁判所宣布他为异教徒,并把他绑在火刑柱上烧死。
With the development of technology, the search for extraterrestrial life has become a science, although the story is still quite divisive to this day. We primarily research using radio waves, because they easily penetrate gases and dusts. Of course, we also use optical devices,such as laser light. SETI does not broadcast, it only searches.
In 1963, the Big Ear radio telescope was built on the grounds of the private Ohio Wesleyan University, which operated until 1998. The longest SETI program in our history so far.The Big Ear caught the WOW! signal in 1977.
The WOW! signal
On the 15th of August 1977, astronomer Dr. Jerry R. Ehman caught a signal that lasted 72 seconds and was unlike any other before. This signal was detectable at the frequency emitted by hydrogen. It hasn’t happened again since then. There have been theories about what this could have been, but none have been proven.
According to one of these theories, the radio telescope caught the signals of a pair of comets,but it was later proven that no comets passed through the examined area at that time and comets do not emit radio signals at this frequency.
Another theory was born this year. Amateur astronomer Alberto Caballero examined the region from which the Wow! signal comes. According to him, if the signal is artificial, it could have come from a Sun-like star from the signal range 2MASS 19281982-2640123.
今年,另一种理论诞生了。业余天文学家阿尔贝托·卡巴列罗研究了WOW!信号。根据他的说法,如果这个信号是人造的,它可能来自一个类似太阳的恒星,信号范围为2MASS 19281982-2640123。
And where does the name come from? While analyzing the data, Dr. Jerry R. Ehman
engraved only one word next to the outstanding, different value: WOW!
But where did modern SETI start?
Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856 – January 7, 1943) Serbian-American physicist, inventor,electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, philosopher, and Guglielmo Marconi (April 25,1874 – July 20, 1937) Italian physicist and engineer, for example, were thought to they can pick up the signals of the Martians with a radio.
尼古拉·特斯拉(1856年7月10日- 1943年1月7日),塞尔维亚裔美国物理学家,发明家,例如,电气工程师、机械工程师、哲学家和古列尔莫·马可尼(1874年4月25日- 1937年7月20日)等意大利物理学家和工程师被认为可以用无线电接收到火星人的信号。
Modern SETI dates back to 1959. In that year, two physicists, Phillip Morrison (November 7,1915 – April 22, 2005) and Giuseppe Cocconi (1914–2008), set out on a simple theory. They used the world’s most powerful radar transmitter as a basis, and that it is directed to a large receiving antenna. In their minds, the two physicists separated the transmitter and the receiver. They wanted to know where will be the distance would be when they could still reliably receive each other’s signals. To their surprise, it turned out that even if the transmitter and receiver are separated by a light-year distance, the radio connection can still be established.
现代SETI可以追溯到1959年。在那一年,两位物理学家,菲利普·莫里森(1915年11月7日- 2005年4月22日)和朱塞佩·科克尼(1914-2008年),提出了一个简单的理论。他们使用了世界上最强大的雷达发射机作为基础,并将其导向一个大型接收天线。在他们的想法中,这两位物理学家把发射器和接收器分开了。他们想知道当他们仍然可以可靠地接收到彼此的信号时,距离会在哪里。令他们惊讶的是,事实证明,即使发射机和接收机相隔一光年,无线电连接仍然可以建立。
In other words, even with the radio technology of the 1950s, it was theoretically possible to use radio to signal across distances comparable to interstellar distances. This remarkable calculation led the two scientists to write a paper suggesting that maybe intelligent aliens are using radio to communicate, and that we should be looking for such signals. The first person to actually investigate was Frank Drake (May 28, 1930 – ), astronomer, astrophysicist, father of SETI. In 1960, he used an 85-foot-diameter antenna at Green Bank, West Virginia, to search for signals that might come from two very close star systems. During the two weeks of his experiment,Drake did not hear any alien transmissions, yet his project was the beginningof modern SETI.
NASA and the SETI Institute
From the 1960s, NASA also financed smaller SETI projects and they also worked on their own program, which was later cancelled. John Billingham, the head of life sciences at NASA Ames Research Center at the time, worked out how research could be done more efficiently.This gave rise to the SETI Institute, a non-profit organization, in 1984 with two members:Tom Pierson and Jill Tarter astronomer. Today, roughly 100 scientists are members of the organization.
Sub-centers were created, the research department of which runs under the name of the Carl Sagan Center.
Carl Edward Sagan (November 9, 1934 – December 20, 1996) was an American astronomer,planetologist, biologist, astrobiologist, and peace activist. His work deserves a separate article. =) He also worked as a consultant for NASA. He worked to do on the Apollo program, some space probes, it was his idea to send a message into outer space with the probes, and I could list many, many, really many mind-blowing things. He was a true pioneer. His passion was the promotion of science and the SETI program.
卡尔·爱德华·萨根(1934年11月9日- 1996年12月20日),美国天文学家、行星学家、生物学家、天体生物学家、和平活动家。他的工作值得单独发表一篇文章。他还担任过美国国家航空航天局的顾问。他参与了阿波罗计划,一些太空探测器的研发,他的想法是用探测器向外太空发送信息,我可以列出很多很多非常令人兴奋的事情。他是一个真正的先驱。他的热情是促进科学和SETI计划。
The movie Contact was also made from his novel.
The Center of Education has got a STEM program, what is funded by NASA and the National Science Foundation. Their goal is to make the sciences as widely known as possible, from children to adults to educators, primarily in the field of outer space and astrobiology.
STEM – Science + Technology + Engineering + Mathematics
STEM -科学+技术+工程+数学
A separate department was created for “PR”. The mission of the Center for Outreach, beyond the obvious, is to introduce and popularize the natural sciences as widely as possible in various forums (podcast, radio program, magazines, etc.), with various colorful programs and lecture series.
There is also a Hungarian aspect, however, in the person of Iván Almár (April 21, 1932 – ),astronomer, space researcher, doctor of physical sciences, hereditary and honorary president of the Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT), researcher of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, member of the International Astronautical Academy (IAA).Among other things, he was the co-chairman of the IAA SETI Committee. The Rio scale is he and Jill Tarter’s work. It is like the Richter scale, which is meant to show the strength of earthquakes. This scale, in turn, is a scale for categorizing the effects of a public announcement of evidence of extraterrestrial life.
然而,在Iván Almár(1932年4月21日-)的人身上,也有匈牙利的一面,天文学家,空间研究员,物理科学博士,匈牙利宇航学会(MANT)的世袭和名誉主席,匈牙利科学院研究员,国际宇航学会(IAA)成员。除此之外,他还是IAA SETI委员会的联合主席。里约热内卢刻度是他和吉尔·塔特的研究成果。它就像里氏震级,用来显示地震的强度。反过来,这个尺度是对公开宣布地外生命证据的影响进行分类的尺度。
Whether SETI is science or fiction… sooner or later, time and research will prove one correct.