TSS EXCLUSIVE: Scientists Propose Ways To Find Wormholes That Can Theoretically Create Shortcuts For Journeys Across The Universe
by Rhodilee Jean Dolor
Amid efforts to develop technology-based solutions that can shorten travel time between Earth and the worlds beyond, researchers propose ways to find wormholes that can theoretically allow space travelers to reach far-flung corners of the universe.
What Are Wormholes?
A wormhole is a theoretical passageway with two mouths connected by a “throat” that serves as a path for a traveler to traverse to another point. The idea is often portrayed in science fiction as a means to significantly shorten the duration of space travel and make time travel possible.
Christopher Nolan 2014年的电影《星际穿越》(Interstellar)讲述了宇航员通过虫洞寻找人类可居住的新的星球的故事。Michael Crichton 1999年发表的小说《时间线》(Timeline)中的一大特色也是可以进行时空穿梭的虫洞。
Christopher Nolan’s 2014 “Interstellar” movie depicted astronauts going through a wormhole in their quest to find a new habitable world for humanity. Michael Crichton’s 1999 novel “Timeline” also featured traversable wormholes for time travel.
Scientists have not yet found conclusive evidence that they exist, but wormholes resemble black holes. For one, both wormhole and blackhole have powerful gravitational pulls.
What makes the two different is that objects that get into a black hole are trapped there, while things that enter a wormhole can traverse through it to the other side.
Search For The Elusive Wormhole
在假设虫洞确实存在的情况下,科学家们一直在寻找找到它们的方法。在2020年11月发表在《皇家天文学会月刊》(Monthly notice of the Royal Astronomical Society)上的一项研究报告中,研究人员声称,虫洞可能存在于非常明亮的星系的中心。
If wormholes do exist, scientists have been looking for ways to find them. In a study published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society in November 2020, researchers claimed that wormholes possibly exist at the center of very bright galaxies.
来自Pulkovo的俄罗斯科学院中央天文台的Mikhail Piotrovich和他的同事称,一种被称为活动星系核(AGN)的存在于星系中心的致密区域可能是虫洞的入口。AGN是超大质量的黑洞,当它们吞噬周围的物质时,会产生出比我们银河系更高的辐射。
Mikhail Piotrovich, from the Central Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences at Pulkovo, and colleagues said that a compact region at the center of a galaxy known as active galactic nuclei (AGN) could be the mouths of wormholes. AGNs are supermassive black holes that release more radiation than our own Milky Way as they consume matter around them.
If things that enter one mouth of a wormhole would go out of its other mouth, the researchers argued that matter that entered one mouth of the wormhole would slam into matter that simultaneously got in through the other mouth. This is so because matter that falls into the mouth of a supermassive wormhole would likely travel extremely fast due to the powerful gravitational field.
The researchers believe that the collision would cause spheres of plasma to expand both wormhole mouths at nearly the speed of light. The researchers compared the outburst with those from AGNs, which are often surrounded by rings of plasma known as accretion disks.
Piotrovich and colleagues said that observing the gamma radiation produced by AGNs could lead scientists to the elusive wormholes.
“The underlying hypothesis of this work is that the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are wormhole mouths rather than supermassive black holes,” the astronomers wrote in their study. “Under some – quite general – assumptions such wormholes may emit gamma radiation as a result of a collision of accreting flows inside the wormholes. This radiation has a distinctive spectrum much different from those of jets or accretion discs of AGNs. An observation of such radiation would serve as evidence of the existence of wormholes.”
其他科学家在更早的研究中也尝试过寻找时空通道。在2019年发表在《物理评论D》(Physical Review D)杂志上的一项研究报告中,研究人员提出,恒星围绕超大质量黑洞进行的微小但怪异的运动可以帮助探测虫洞。
Earlier works by other scientists also attempted to find the theoretical spacetime bridge. In a 2019 study published in the journal Physical Review D, researchers suggested that the slight but strange movements of stars around supermassive black holes can help detect wormholes.
在这项研究中,布法罗大学艺术与科学学院的宇宙学家Dejan Stojkovic和同事们试图于在人马座A*(银河系中心的超大质量黑洞)的周围发现虫洞。
For the study, cosmologist Dejan Stojkovic, from the University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences, and colleagues focused on spotting a wormhole around Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy.
The researchers think that the region is a good place for hunting wormholes because wormholes require extreme gravitational conditions. The gravitational pull of Sagittarius A* happens to be so intense it warps lights from nearby stars when they get too close to the black hole.
Stojkovic和他的同事们认为,如果人马座A*存在虫洞,那么附近的恒星就会受到隧道另一边恒星的引力的影响。基于这一设想,研究人员表示,通过寻找人马座a *附近恒星的正常轨道的微小偏差,将有可能探测到虫洞的存在。
Stojkovic and colleagues think that if a wormhole exists at Sagittarius A*, the nearby stars would be affected by the gravitational pull of the stars at the other side of the tunnel. Based on this concept, the researchers said that it would be possible to detect the presence of a wormhole by looking for slight deviations in the regular orbit of stars near Sagittarius A*.
More specifically, they suggested that scientists may find a wormhole by looking for perturbation in the path of the S2 star that orbits Sagittarius A*.
“If a wormhole smoothly connects two different spacetimes, then the flux cannot be separately conserved in any of these spaces individually. Then objects propagating in the vicinity of a wormhole in one space must feel the influence of objects propagating in the other space,” the researchers wrote in their study.
“By studying the orbits of stars around the black hole at the center of our galaxy, we could soon tell if this black hole harbors a traversable wormhole.”
Significance of Finding Wormholes
Although movies and books portray wormholes as a bridge between two points in space or time, finding proof of wormholes’ existence does not necessarily mean the start of an era for instantaneous space journeys and time travel.
英国宇宙学家Stephen Hawking认为,不可能用虫洞作为时间机器。Stojkovic还解释了虫洞不能用作太空旅行的通到的原因。
British cosmologist Stephen Hawking did not think it possible to use a wormhole as a time machine. Stojkovic also explained why wormholes would not serve as a passageway for travelers.
“Even if a wormhole is traversable, people and spaceships most likely aren’t going to be passing through,” he said. “Realistically, you would need a source of negative energy to keep the wormhole open, and we don’t know how to do that. To create a huge wormhole that’s stable, you need some magic.”
尽管研究人员热衷于寻找虫洞,物理学家Kip Thorne(相对论、黑洞和虫洞方面的权威之一)长期以来一直认为,通过虫洞旅行的想法可能只是人类想象的幻想。
Despite researchers’ enthusiasm over finding wormholes, physicist Kip Thorne, one of the leading authorities on relativity, black holes, and wormholes, has long suggested that the idea of traveling through wormholes could be just a figment of humanity’s imagination.
“There are very strong indications that wormholes that a human could travel through are forbidden by the laws of physics,” he said. “That’s sad, that’s unfortunate, but that’s the direction in which things are pointing.”