Humans Could Live up to 150 Years, New Research Suggests
在这项研究中,新加坡Gero公司的研究员Timothy Pyrkov和他的同事们在美国、英国和俄罗斯的三个大群体中观察了这种“衰老速度”。为了评估与稳定健康的偏差,他们评估了血细胞计数和每日行走步数的变化,并按年龄组进行了分析。
For the study, Timothy Pyrkov, a researcher at a Singapore-based company called Gero, and his colleagues looked at this “pace of aging” in three large cohorts in the U.S., the U.K. and Russia. To evaluate deviations from stable health, they assessed changes in blood cell counts and the daily number of steps taken and analyzed them by age groups.
血细胞计数和步数计数的模式是相同的:随着年龄的增长,一些疾病以外的因素导致了身体在中断后将血细胞或步数恢复到稳定水平的能力的可预测的渐进性下降。当Pyrkov和他在莫斯科和纽约布法罗的同事们用这种可预测的衰退速度来确定适应力完全消失并导致死亡的时间时,他们发现范围在120到150年之间。(1997年,世界上最长寿的人Jeanne Calment在法国去世,享年122岁。)
For both blood cell and step counts, the pattern was the same: as age increased, some factor beyond disease drove a predictable and incremental decline in the body’s ability to return blood cells or gait to a stable level after a disruption. When Pyrkov and his colleagues in Moscow and Buffalo, N.Y., used this predictable pace of decline to determine when resilience would disappear entirely, leading to death, they found a range of 120 to 150 years. (In 1997 Jeanne Calment, the oldest person on record to have ever lived, died in France at the age of 122.)
The researchers also found that with age, the body’s response to insults could increasingly range far from a stable normal, requiring more time for recovery. Whitson says that this result makes sense: A healthy young person can produce a rapid physiological response to adjust to fluctuations and restore a personal norm. But in an older person, she says, “everything is just a little bit dampened, a little slower to respond, and you can get overshoots,” such as when an illness brings on big swings in blood pressure.
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