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EXCLUSIVE – Urban Vertical Farming: The Future is City-Raised Food

by Vittorio Bollo

The current world population is approximately 7.8-billion people. Estimates project a global population of 8.5-billion by 2030, 9.2-billion by 2040, and 9.7-billion by 2050. That’s a lot of people, and a lot of mouths to feed. Urbanization will increase in lock-step with this population growth. Current estimates regarding urbanization from the United Nations World Urbanization Prospects are that over half (more than 4-billion) people live in urban areas, which is set to rise to more than two-thirds of the world’s population by 2050. These statistics have real implications for our collective future.

目前世界人口约为78亿;据估计,到2030年全球人口将达到85亿、到2040年达到92亿、到2050年达到97亿;仍旧有很多人要养家糊口,城市化将与人口增长同步增长;联合国的《世界城市化展望》(Current estimates regarding urbanization)目前对城市化的估计是:超过一半(超过40亿)的人口居住在城市地区、到2050年城市人口将超过世界人口的三分之二;这些统计数字对我们这共同的未来具有真正一定的影响。

Consider that agricultural land will become increasingly scarce as land is sequestered for human development and urbanization. That means less arable land for growing and raising the food people will need. And that’s not even taking into consideration how already dramatically depleted much of the world’s arable land is of nutrients and sustainable agricultural viability, with Scientific American predicting in 2014 that the world will only have 60 years of farming left if current levels of top soil degradation continue. 

考虑到农业用地将变得越来越稀少、土地被隔离用于人类发展和城市化;这就意味着对于种植和生产而言,人们所需粮食的可耕地面积也减少了;《科学美国人》(Scientific American)在2014年预测:如果目前的表层土壤退化水平继续下去的话,那么世界将只剩下60年的耕种年份了。

One solution is to meld two seemingly disparate factors together, namely agriculture and urbanization. Vertical farming in urban areas is becoming an increasingly attractive and even viable concept, including being actively promoted among agencies such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This article will provide an overview of some of the urban and vertical farming techniques that could essentially help revolutionize the way we make food in the future.


Why Vertical Farming?


Vertical farming goes beyond being a mere alternative to a (very near) future world bereft of arable land. For example, most vertical farming options require less water than conventional farming; up to 70% less water on average.


Space, or the lack thereof due to increased populations, is a hugely important reason why vertical farming should be taken seriously. It will allow for foods to be grown in vertically stacked layers housed in  structures such as purposefully-built skyscrapers, abandoned or converted high-rises, shipping containers, warehouses, or even as part of existing residential or office buildings.


Also, these forms of indoor farming will not only save on space for growing food, but should require far less soil to do so. This is especially true of vertical farming techniques such as aeroponic and hydroponic growing (both of which will be discussed hereafter). Furthermore, ambient conditions inside these indoor farms such as temperature, humidity, illumination, irrigation/moisture levels, and prevailing gases can be far better controlled in these artificial environments than they can ever be with the vagaries and capriciousness of climate found in nature. That alone means food security for communities is more easily attained and maintained.   


Ultimately, vertical farming should be more sustainable than industrialized farming, and even traditional farming methods. It is an exciting, dynamic concept – and relatively new too, with the term having only been coined in 1998 by Dickson D. Despommier, a professor of parasitology and environmental science at Columbia University.

最终,垂直农业应该比工业化农业更可持续,甚至比传统农业方法更可持续。这是一个令人兴奋的、动态的概念,也是一个相对较新的概念,这个词是哥伦比亚大学寄生虫学和环境科学教授迪克森•D•德斯波米耶(Dickson D. Despommier)在1998年创造的。

Vertical Farming Methods to Consider




For the sake of clarity, hydroponics is a method of growing plants in a nutrient-rich water solution, hence its name. Hydroponics does not use soil of any kind. Rather, a plant’s root system is supported by growing in an inert medium. Examples of media used in hydroponics include perlite, rockwool, clay pellets, or peat moss. Unlike most vertical farming concepts, which are relatively new or even high-tech, hydroponics has been a known and used alternative to traditional farming for thousands of years. The fabled Hanging Gardens of Babylon in ancient Mesopotamia and the ‘floating gardens’ that Marco Polo marveled about in his travels through China in the 13th century are just two of the earliest-known examples of hydroponics usage.


Hydroponics is popular due to not requiring soil, huge space savings, and the ability to use up to 90% less water than land-based farming. There are different types of hydroponics systems, four of which include:


  • The ebb and flow system: also known as the “flood and drain system.”It is commonly used by commercial growers, and requires a submersible pump in a reservoir that then feeds water into plant trays suspended above at regular intervals. This can often be in the form of a light spray or mist.
  • 1.潮涨、落系统: 又称“洪、排水系统”——它通常被商业种植者所使用,需要一个储水池中的潜水泵,然后定期将水注入悬浮在上面的植物托盘中,这通常是一种光喷雾或薄雾的形式。
  • The deepwater culture (DWC): also known as the reservoir system, whereby the roots are kept permanently floating in a deep pool or reservoir of nutrient-rich water.
  • 深水栽培(DWC): 也被称为水库系统,在这个系统中,根系永久漂浮在一个深水池或富含营养的水库中。
  • The deep water culture system: also known as the “lettuce raft” and ideal for small-scale or home-based plant-growing, whereby plants are grown in a ‘raft’ floating in a pool of nutrient-rich water.
  • 深水栽培系统: 也被称为“生菜筏”,是小型或家庭植物种植的理想选择,植物生长在漂浮在营养丰富的水池中的“筏”上。
  • The wick system: This is a passive system with very low overheads and the most basic form of hydroponics.
  • 灯芯系统:这是一种低成本的被动系统,是最基本的水培形式。



“Grow 30% More, 3x Faster, with 98% Less Water” – that is the assertion of Tower Garden, a company that offers stacked growing beds using what is known as aeroponics, which is an advanced form of hydroponics. Aeroponics grows plants suspended in an air or mist environment. Unsurprisingly, this extraordinary space age-like innovation was pioneered by NASA in the 1990s when the space agency was seeking efficient ways to grow plants in space.

“增长30%、增加三倍、减少98%的水”——这是水塔园(Tower Garden)公司的主张,该公司提供使用所谓的“雾培”技术的层叠种植床,是一种先进的水培方式;在空气或雾环境中种植悬浮植物;不出所料的这种类似太空时代的非凡创新是由美国宇航局在20世纪90年代率先提出的,当时宇航局正在寻找在太空种植植物的有效方法。

Although currently one of the lesser-applied vertical farming options, aeroponics is undoubtedly sustainable, particularly as it uses no soil and a staggeringly small amount of water. New-Jersey based AeroFarms claims that its closed-loop aeroponic systems use 95% less water than traditional field farmed-food, with yields 390 times higher per square foot. Interestingly, observations have shown that plants grown in an aeroponics environment have a more vigorous uptake of vitamins and minerals. This is because roots suspended in air are continuously exposed to oxygen whereas those more exposed to water lose oxygen over time. That factor makes aeroponic plants potentially more nutrient-rich and healthier. Furthermore, a lack of soil means no digging and less mess, no ground pests, and no risk of contaminated soil.



‘Greenscrapers’ or ‘plantscrapers’ could be the vertical farming equivalent of skyscrapers. The concept of these ‘farming skycrapers” is simple: turn tall buildings into farms while still functioning as office or residential towers. These de facto vertical greenhouses would be integrated directly into the building, most probably using some form of hydroponics as the growing technique therein.

“Greenscraper”或“Plantscraper”可能是垂直农业中的摩天大楼;这些“农业摩天大楼”的概念很简单: 把高楼变成农场,同时又能作为办公或住宅;事实上的垂直温室将直接集成到建筑中,最可能的是使用某种形式的水培作为其中的生长技术。

One possible solution would be a rack transport system that gradually moves planting boxes from floor level to ceiling level within a vertical greenhouse. The benefit of this is that no artificial light is required. As with many vertical farming options, the system would probably be highly automated, with all environmental factors (e.g. temperature, light, humidity levels, and so forth) controlled by automated systems. Admittedly, high levels of humidity could be problematic in buildings housing people in their work or home, but highly innovative architectural design, engineering, and interior landscaping could surely be called upon to provide the required solutions.


Modular Farms


In 2019, Forbes wrote about the growing concept of “urban resilience” in a fast-urbanizing world, in which urban centers are able to be resilient to externalities such as climate change and major disruptions in global supply chains. An important aspect of that resilience is that of local food production. This self-reliability regarding food production should allow cities to be more self-sustaining and urbanites more food secure. Forbes further contends that, although vertical farming is indeed the future of urban farming, that it simply cannot for now compete with large-scale, less expensive traditional ‘horizontal’ farming.


If so, there is an immediate solution: urban micro-farming and, more specifically, modular farms. Micro-farming is what Maximum Yield defines as, “agriculture that is done on a smaller scale in urban and suburban areas. As the name suggests, microfarms typically operate in small land areas of five acres or less”. Modular farms use small, automated modular food-growing equipment, often within just a few square feet. These farms can be interconnected to create indoor farms, thus allowing scalability that works within the confines of existing buildings. They can function equally well outdoors as free-standing modules. The growing environment is entirely controlled remotely via the cloud. These modular ‘growing sheds and racks’ are lightweight enough to be easily placed on rooftops and even on balconies.

如果是这样,那么有一个直接的解决方案: 城市微型农场,更具体地说是模块化农场;微型农业是最高产量的定义,即“在城市和郊区小规模进行的农业” 顾名思义,微型农场通常在五英亩或更小的土地上经营,模块化农场使用小型自动化模块化食品种植设备,这通常在几平方英尺的范围内,这些可以相互连接创建室内农场,从而在现有建筑的范围内实现可扩展性,另外它们在户外也可以作为独立模块使用;成长环境完全通过云端远程控制,这些模块化的“生长棚和架子”足够轻到可以很容易地放在屋顶甚至阳台上。

Conclusion: The Future of Farming is Urban

结论: 未来则是城市化农业

Always with start-up cost and logistical implications in mind, of course, there are nevertheless numerous reasons to be (cautiously) excited about the future of urban vertical farming. They’re worth listing here: A near-total lack of need for soil of any kind; Huge reductions in water usage; Greater control over growing processes; Mitigation to climate change factors; Year-round growing potential; large-scale local growing potential; Enormous scalability options, from large-scale operations to home-based micro-growing systems; Intelligent re-use of existing abandoned buildings; Allowing existing arable lands to rejuvenate – the list can go on and on.

当然,考虑到启动成本和物流方面的影响,我们仍有许多理由(谨慎地)对城市立体农场的未来感到期待,这值得的例子如: 几乎完全不需要任何种类的土壤、用水量大幅度减少、更好地控制生长过程、减缓气候变化因素、全年增长潜力、大规模的本地增长潜力、巨大的可扩展性选择;从大规模操作到家庭微型生长系统、善用现有弃置楼宇、允许现有的可耕地进行更新,这样的例子还可以很多很多。

Finally, there could be a further interesting development with the widespread uptake of urbanized vertical farming in the future: perhaps city dwellers of the future will be far more savvy and involved regarding how their food is grown and made compared to ours and recent urbanized generations. They could even look forward to food that is more nutritious and has far less impacts on the environment. That could surely itself be a positive upside to a more crowded, urbanized planet.

最后,随着城市化垂直农业在未来的广泛普及,可能会有一个更有趣的发展: 与我们和最近的城市化世代相比,未来的城市居民在如何种植和制造食物方面可能会更加精确普遍;他们甚至可以更有营养、对环境影响小的食物;对于一个更加拥挤、城市化的星球来说,这无疑就是积极的一面。
