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Intel is using its RealSense tech for facial recognition


Intel has found another use for its RealSense depth-sensing camera. It married the tech with a neural network to develop a facial recognition system that can enable access to the likes of smart locks and ATMs with only a glance.

与苹果的Face ID类似,RealSense ID会扫描你的脸部轮廓。英特尔声称,该系统随着时间的推移会适应用户的面部,因为它可以解释面部头发的变化以及是否有人戴眼镜。RealSense ID据说可以在各种照明条件下工作,认证只需不到一秒钟。根据英特尔的说法,它能可靠地与“每个肤色和阴影”一起工作——其他一些面部识别系统无法正确区分肤色较深的人。

Similar to Apple’s Face ID, RealSense ID scans the contours of your face. The system adapts to users’ faces over time, Intel claims, as it can account for changes to facial hair and whether someone is wearing glasses. RealSense ID is said to work in a variety of lighting conditions with authentication taking place in less than a second. According to Intel, it reliably works with “every skin tone and shade” — some other facial recognition systems have failed to properly differentiate between people with darker skin tones.

英特尔表示,在开发RealSense ID时,隐私是一个优先事项。所有处理都在本地进行,只有在用户提示时,系统才会被激活。据说,它有措施防止使用面具、照片或视频的虚假访问尝试,系统错误地允许进入欺骗攻击的几率为百万分之一。英特尔还声称用户数据是加密的。

Intel says that privacy was a priority as it was developing RealSense ID. All of the processing takes place locally and the system is only activated when prompted by a user. It’s said to have measures to prevent false access attempts using masks, photos or videos, with a one-in-a-million chance of the system incorrectly granting entry to a spoofing attack. Intel also claims that user data is encrypted.

原文来自 engadget
